State Mill Location - Site Setup

Boy Scouts assist with assembling Purple Martin homes

The photos below are from March 26th, 2005 – but the same basic procedure is followed at all sites, every year. Thanks to our local Boy Scouts, who gave us a helping hand to get everything in place that season. Thanks to Paul Todd for the pics.

In the years since, we’ve seen many new faces every Purple Martin season… many of those which have now become a part of our extended ‘feathered’ family.

Thanks to ALL who lends a hand to make this happen & supports our program!

PLX Purple Martins Association

Purple Martins Babies

This is an organization dedicated to helping the Purple Martins feed, breed, and interact with the environment to the best of their bird ability. We’re happy to have them here in the Portage Lakes of Ohio and do our best to make them feel welcome.

The Purple Martin is a bird that is primarily dependent upon the assistance of humans in the areas east of the Mississippi. They are our largest swallow measuring from aproximately 7 1/2 – 8 1/2 inches. The male of the species is uniformly blue black with a forked swallow tail. The female is grayish underneath.

Thanks to Eric Tilson Photography

>>> Instagram at #erictilsonphotography <<<