Benefits of PLPMA Membership
Benefits for members include opportunities to help us educate the public about the Purple Martins of the Portage Lakes, what they do for us, and how we encourage public enjoyment of these beautiful birds.
Dues will help cover our many costs including educational programs and the means to maintain and pay for new sites including gourds, poles, supplies, transportation costs, owl guards, etc.
PLPMA has transitioned to rotating annual dues. This simply means that your membership dues will be renewed one year from the date you paid your last dues. $2 added for processing fees.
INDIVIDUAL: $20 / year
FAMILY: $25 / year
(2 or more people living together as a family unit)
Your donation(s) of $20 or more are tax deductible (courtesy of Uncle Sam). Your support is appreciated!
If you are paying by check, please make your check out to the Portage Lakes Purple Martin Association and mail to:
Marcia Ponikvar, Treasurer
P.O. Box 19197
Akron, Oh 44319
If you are unsure about your status, send Marcia an email: