Welcome to the Portage Lakes Purple Martins Association Twilight Boat Rides Reservations

September Boat Rides - PLX Purple Martins
Twilight Boat Rides - Week of September 1 ...

It’s almost time for our Twilight Boat Cruises featuring the Purple Martins along with their brothers and sisters from the North. They’re going to be headed back to Brazil, and the wonder of nature is on full display during the evenings  on Nimisila Reservoir.

Remember, your tickets are charitable deductions.

Purple Martin Twilight Boat Rides

Thank You for Your Support!

Boat leaves the dock PROMPTLY at the times / dates below

Purple Martins Twilight Cruise Tickets = $30 each

Purple Martin Twilight Boat Rides

Where We Launch From:

What to wear, what to bring

The PLPMA Twilight Boat Rides launch rain or shine (unless lightning & thunder). Here are a few suggestions so that you enjoy your trip!

  • Please dress appropriately
  • Bring water to drink
  • Bring a jacket in case it’s a chilly evening
  • If there’s rain forecast, bring an umbrella
  • Appropriate boat shoes

We look forward to sharing this wonderful miracle of nature with you!

ALL Ticket Sales FINAL - NO Refunds

Rain dates will be re-scheduled